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produced by a 13.2kW Solar Panel System

How much energy is produced by a 13.2kW

How much energy is produced by a 13.2kW Solar Panel System?

A 13.2kW solar panel system is capable of producing approximately 13,200 watts of electricity, on average, under ideal conditions such as direct sunlight. The actual energy output will depend on several factors, including the location, orientation, and tilt of the panels, as well as weather conditions. It is important to note that solar panels only produce energy during daylight hours, and their output decreases as the angle of the sun changes throughout the day. The energy produced by a solar panel system can be used to offset energy consumption in your home or business, reducing your reliance on the electrical grid and potentially lowering your energy bills.

Getting started with a 13.2KW solar panel system

Getting started with a 13.2 kW solar panel system typically involves the following steps:

  1. Site Assessment: Determine the suitability of your roof or property for solar installation Sydney. Take into consideration factors like the orientation of your roof, shading, and available space.
  2. System Design: Work with a solar installer to design a system that meets your energy needs and fits within your budget. They will also advise you on the type and number of panels and inverters needed for your system.
  3. Permits and Approvals: Obtain the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities, such as building and electrical permits.
  4. Installation: Hire a professional solar installer to install your panels and inverters. They will also handle the wiring and interconnection to the electrical grid.
  5. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular monitoring and maintenance of your system can help ensure it is functioning optimally and producing the expected amount of power.
  6. Financing: You may choose to purchase your solar panel system outright or finance it through a loan or a power purchase agreement.

It is important to work with a reputable and experienced solar installer to ensure that your system is installed correctly and meets all safety and performance standards.

13200W of Solar Panels Power Out-Put

A 13,200 watt solar panel system is capable of producing 13,200 watts of power, on average, under ideal conditions such as direct sunlight. The actual output will depend on several factors, including the location, orientation, and tilt of the panels, as well as weather conditions. It is important to note that solar panels only produce power during daylight hours and their output decreases as the angle of the sun changes throughout the day. The power produced by a solar panel system can be used to offset energy consumption in your home or business, reducing your reliance on the electrical grid and potentially lowering your energy bills.

To find out if a 13.2KW solar panel system is right for your home or business

To determine if a 13.2kW solar panel system is right for your home or business, you should consider the following factors:

  • Energy usage: The size of your solar panel system should be based on your energy usage. You can calculate your average daily energy consumption by reviewing your energy bills.
  • Available roof or ground space: The size of your roof or available ground space will determine how many solar panels you can install. A 13.2 kW system will require a significant amount of space.
  • Budget: Solar panel systems come in a variety of sizes and prices, so it’s important to consider your budget when choosing a system. A 13.2kW system is likely to be a significant investment, but it may also provide significant savings on your energy bills over time.
  • Electrical infrastructure: Your existing electrical infrastructure will also impact your decision. You will need a compatible electrical system and a professional electrician to install the panels and interconnect them to the grid.
  • Local incentives and regulations: Consider the incentives and regulations in your area, such as tax credits, rebates, and net metering policies, which can impact the cost of your solar panel system and the financial benefits you can expect.

It is recommended to work with a reputable solar installer to determine if a 13.2kW solar panel system is right for your specific needs and to ensure that the system is installed correctly and meets all safety and performance standards.


Ads Solar is 100% Australian owned and operated — and one of the best solar providers.

We have offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide and service the entire nation with a large network of professional, qualified installers.

Our 13.2KW solar panel system comes with a 25 year performance warranty, 10 year manufacturer’s warranty, and 5 year warranty on workmanship (including installation).

Call Us Anytime

1300 812 911,
WhatsApp : 0404718625

FAQs About a 13.2kW Solar Panel System

Q. Can a 13.2kW solar panel system power an entire home?

A. Yes, a 13.2kW system has the potential to power the energy needs of an average-sized home, including appliances and devices.

Q. Will the system produce energy on cloudy days?

A. Yes, while energy production may be reduced on cloudy days, the panels will still generate electricity as long as there’s daylight.

Q. What is the duration required to recoup the investment expenses?

A. The payback period for a solar panel system can vary but is typically between 5 to 10 years, depending on factors like energy consumption and local incentives.

Q. Can excess energy be stored?

A. Yes, through the use of battery storage systems, excess energy generated during sunny days can be stored and used during the night or cloudy periods.

Q. What maintenance is required?

A. Solar panels require minimal maintenance – occasional cleaning to remove dirt and debris and ensuring the inverter is functioning correctly.

Q. Are there any warranties?

A. Most solar panel manufacturers provide warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years, ensuring the longevity and performance of the system.

6.6kW Solar System in Sydney

6.6kW Solar System in Sydney for Sustainable Savings

Invest in a 6.6kW Solar System in Sydney for Sustainable Savings

Introduction: Welcome to our comprehensive guide on investing in a 6.6kW solar system in Sydney! In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of solar power and how it can help you achieve sustainable savings for years to come. If you are considering embracing renewable energy and want to make an informed decision, you’ve come to the right place.

The Power of Solar Energy

Solar energy has emerged as one of the most promising sources of clean and renewable power. By harnessing the abundant sunlight, solar panels convert it into electricity, reducing our reliance on traditional fossil fuels. The installation of a 6.6kW solar system can make a significant difference in your energy consumption and environmental impact.

Advantages of a 6.6kW Solar System

1. Cost Savings

Investing in a 6.6kW solar system allows you to generate your own electricity, significantly reducing your reliance on the grid. Over time, this can lead to substantial cost savings on your energy bills. By taking advantage of Sydney’s sunny climate, you can maximize the efficiency of your solar panels and further enhance your savings.

2. Return on Investment

A 6.6kW solar system is a smart financial investment. While the initial cost may seem significant, the long-term benefits far outweigh the expenses. With proper installation and maintenance, your solar panels can generate clean energy for 25 years or more, providing you with a reliable return on investment.

3. Environmental Impact

By embracing solar power, you contribute to a greener future. Solar energy produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change and reduce air pollution. By installing a 6.6kW solar system, you make a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to follow suit.

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Choosing the Right Solar System

When it comes to investing in solar energy, it’s crucial to select the right system for your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider:

1. System Size

The 6.6kW solar system is an ideal choice for many households in Sydney. However, it’s essential to assess your energy consumption patterns and requirements to determine if this system size is suitable for you. Consulting with a reputable solar provider can help you make an informed decision.

2. Quality Components

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, invest in high-quality solar panels and inverters. Quality components may have a higher upfront cost but offer better efficiency and durability, maximizing your savings in the long run.

3. Professional Installation

Proper installation is key to the performance of your solar system. Choose an experienced and accredited installer who follows industry best practices. A well-installed system will operate efficiently, providing you with the maximum benefits.

Government Incentives and Rebates

In Australia, various government incentives and rebates are available to encourage the adoption of solar power. These initiatives have the potential to substantially decrease the initial expenses associated with the installation of a 6.6kW solar system. Make sure to research and take advantage of these programs to make your investment even more financially attractive.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Once your solar system is installed, regular maintenance and monitoring are essential to ensure its optimal performance. Periodic cleaning of solar panels, inspection of electrical components, and monitoring of energy production can help identify and address any issues promptly.

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Investing in a 6.6kW solar system in Sydney is a wise choice for sustainable savings and a brighter future. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can reduce your carbon footprint, lower your energy bills, and contribute to a cleaner environment. Take the first step towards energy independence and join the growing community of solar-powered homes in Sydney. Remember, solar energy is not only an investment in your property but also an investment in a better and more sustainable world.


At ADS SOLAR, we are not just about installations. We actively support the local community and advocate for a greener future. By choosing us, you are making a smart investment while contributing to a more sustainable world.

6.6 kW Solar System

From Bills to Thrills: The Sydney 6.6kW Solar System That Pays You Back

In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable energy solutions, the 6.6kW solar system has emerged as a game-changer. This innovative technology is not only transforming the way we power our homes in Sydney but also redefining the economics of energy consumption. At ADS SOLAR, we believe in the potential of the Sydney 6.6kW solar system to not only save you money on your bills but also turn your energy investment into a thrilling venture. Let’s delve into the world of solar power and discover how this system can become your ultimate source of savings and satisfaction.

Unveiling the Power of 6.6kW Solar Systems

What is a 6.6kW Solar System?

Before we embark on this journey of solar enlightenment, let’s first understand what a 6.6kW solar system is. In simple terms, it’s a solar power setup designed to harness 6.6 kilowatts of energy from the sun. This system typically consists of solar panels, inverters, and mounting structures strategically placed on your rooftop to capture the abundant sunlight that graces Sydney throughout the year.

Why Choose the 6.6kW Solar System?

Now, you might wonder why you should opt for a Sydney 6.6kW solar system when there are various other options available. The answer lies in its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This system strikes the perfect balance between power generation and affordability, making it an ideal choice for residential and commercial properties alike.

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Benefits That Go Beyond Savings

Slashing Your Energy Bills

One of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of a Sydney 6.6kW solar system is its ability to significantly reduce your energy bills. By harnessing the power of the sun, you’ll rely less on traditional grid electricity, translating into substantial savings in the long run. Say goodbye to the days of dreading your monthly energy statement.

Environmental Responsibility

Beyond the financial aspect, investing in a 6.6kW solar system is a powerful step toward reducing your carbon footprint. Sydney is known for its stunning natural beauty, and by harnessing clean energy, you contribute to preserving the environment for generations to come. It’s a choice that aligns your lifestyle with eco-conscious principles.

Energy Independence

Imagine having the power to control your energy generation. With a 6.6kW solar system, you can do just that. You become less reliant on external energy sources, giving you peace of mind during grid failures or unforeseen power outages. It’s the epitome of energy independence.

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Making the Transition Seamless

Professional Installation

At ADS SOLAR, we understand that adopting solar technology can seem like a daunting task. That’s why we offer professional installation services to ensure a hassle-free transition to solar power. Our experts will assess your property, design the perfect system, and handle all the installation details, so you can sit back and watch the savings roll in.

Seamless Integration

Worried about the aesthetics of your rooftop? Don’t be. Our 6.6kW solar systems are designed for seamless integration, ensuring they blend harmoniously with your home’s architecture. We prioritize both form and function, so you can enjoy a beautiful, efficient solar solution.

Join the Solar Revolution

The Sydney 6.6kW solar system is more than just a way to save on bills; it’s a gateway to a sustainable, eco-friendly, and thrilling future. At ADS SOLAR, we’re committed to helping you make this transition smoothly. Say goodbye to soaring energy costs and hello to a brighter, greener, and more financially rewarding future with solar power.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a 6.6kW solar system, and how does it work?

   A 6.6kW solar system is a setup that harnesses 6.6 kilowatts of energy from the sun using solar panels, inverters, and mounting structures. It converts sunlight into electricity, which can power your home or business, significantly reducing your reliance on traditional grid electricity.

2. How much can I save on my energy bills with a 6.6kW solar system?

   The amount you can save depends on various factors, including your location, energy consumption, and local energy rates. However, on average, homeowners can expect substantial savings, with some even achieving a complete elimination of their energy bills.

3. Is a 6.6kW solar system suitable for my home or business?

   6.6kW solar systems are a versatile choice for both residential and commercial properties. They are ideal for medium to large-sized households and businesses with moderate energy consumption. Our experts can assess your specific needs and recommend the right solution.

4. What are the environmental benefits of using solar power?

   Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels. By using solar energy, you contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for our planet.

5. Do I need professional installation for my 6.6kW solar system?

   Yes, professional installation is highly recommended. Our experienced technicians ensure that the system is correctly set up, maximizing its efficiency and lifespan. We take care of all the installation details, making the process seamless for you.

6. Are there government incentives and rebates available for installing a 6.6kW solar system?

   Yes, Australia offers various incentives and rebates for solar installations. When you choose a 6.6kW solar system, you can access these financial benefits, which can significantly reduce the overall cost of your solar investment.

7. How long does it take to see a return on investment (ROI) with a 6.6kW solar system?

   The time it takes to achieve an ROI varies, but most homeowners start seeing significant savings within a few years. As energy prices continue to rise, your solar system becomes a more valuable investment, ultimately providing an impressive return.

8. What maintenance is required for a 6.6kW solar system?

   Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Occasional cleaning and routine inspections by professionals are usually sufficient to ensure optimal performance. The inverters and other components are designed for long-term reliability.

9. Can I use a 6.6kW solar system during power outages?

   Yes, with the right setup, a 6.6kW solar system can provide power during grid outages. However, it requires additional equipment, such as batteries and an automatic transfer switch, to function as a backup power source.

10. How do I get started with a 6.6kW solar system installation?

    To begin your solar journey, contact ADS SOLAR for a consultation. Our team will assess your needs, design a tailored solution, provide a quote, and handle the entire installation process. It’s the first step towards a more sustainable and cost-effective energy future.